Monday, April 27, 2009

What are you doing after the orgy? (A study in blog wank)

The Orgy,

What a complex sexual excursion of symbiotic passion. An enigma of etiquette that perplexes the already fragile do's and don't's manner of intercourse with a stranger...
Orgies are best talked about yet never partaken in. The avenues of nervous disaster that await the individual who dreams of communal sexual excretment are ones lined with twenty minutes of lame jokes, five minutes of clothes searching and thirty to forty minutes of struggled conversation over tea in the kitchen as you all try to come to grips with what was struck and stuck, where, and by whom, until one person plucks up the courage to end the nauseating feeling of guilt and self loathing by making moves towards home. Upon returning the individual may cry themselves to sleep in a bath of cold water, using the torn shower curtain as a blanket that may, somehow, withold some elements of their lost innocence. Dragging a pointed knuckle from socket to socket, scraping tears from eyes that have been aggravated by the smoke that pores from the wastebin of flaming, juice-stained garments sleep creeps slowly. Yet their dreams are haunted by giant cocks, vaj's and arses that chase them down sand dunes till their body turns into wax and they melt into the sand from a combination of sun and private part friction...



  1. I was at an orgy once. I was a most wonderful experience till I broke my banjo string and was then the single focus point of ridicule and abuse. I ruined the whole thing with the blood and the wailing. I would go back though, I would.

  2. Red, there are a few classic tunings that can submit to the pounding of a "dimension sexy de sexe de disco de lac à trois voies de cygne".
    The classic is whats known as the F!
    Gallic in origin, its very shape symbolises mutual passion. Can be tuned quite easily by listening to the break in Foreigner's 'i wanna know what love is'...

    Alternatively you could always pluck to the tune of E! A note for the true romantic it fjords the shallows of romance the note of F may not have been able to cross. Due to its intense healing/sexual powers the note of E was forbidden by the Irish Catholic for mass public consumption till a referendum in 1995 legalised divorce and freedom of scales. Since then the note of E has been embrace by many a young couple as they go about, exploring their bodies in the most sinful way possible...

    Hopefully by tuning to these levels leeroy you can avoid the gut spillage of your previous sexual endeavour and come up trumps all over your suspecting ladyfriends north and south...
